A few of my friends have commented to me personally why “ang tyaga ko daw” maintaining this website. They think because very few make comments or even read it, it means not all of you are interested nor would want to be involved with what I or our batch are doing.
The more than 5 years I’ve been maintaining this website and the old one, meron naman naging resulta ang pagba-blog ko; highlighted with the grand reunion and the other mini-reunions we had, and of course, the scholarship project.
At some point medyo naging rough ang roads we traveled to get to where are now. We made “major major” problems during the whole process, and we might have made “major major” mistakes too but in the end, we are managing it pretty well.
Ngayon pa ba ako or tayo susuko?
If you notice, of all the very few batch website of SDA alumni, this is the only SDA batch website that I know of that still exist or at least has life.
Humihinga pa!
This isn’t to say that I am good.
Our batch is just better than them. :-)