Wednesday, April 13, 2011

"Dos de Mayo" Fiesta Celebration

You are all invited to Eva’s place in Paltao for a fiesta gathering on Monday May 2, 2011. Sumptuous dinner will be served along with usual desserts and maybe cocktails.

During this gathering, updates of our Night High Scholarship Project will be presented as well as new ideas for next school year; one of which is the idea of extending our scholarship grants to two more freshmen students, in addition to our current scholars Patrick and Angelyn.

I hope you all can join us not only for the great fiesta food Eva will be serving but also be part of the decision-making process related to our project. All your empty tummies and inputs are very much welcome and needed.

Please be there. Happy Fiesta!!!


nahpro said...

have a safe trip Ediboy...enjoy your pictures ha...

lil said...

...been missing this tradition celebration for many years now. hope someday i'd be able to go back home during the month of may. i want my kids to know about this culture of ours.
hello there everyone! pls be informed that my new ad now is

nahpro said...

Dies Y Seis de Mayo na wala pa ring bago?